The biggest loss is the love we get from those we hold dear

That's where Evermore steps in—an emotional companion designed to offer both practical assistance and emotional support throughout this significant life transition.

A note from our Founder

Why I started Evermore

In 2021, my dad was diagnosed with Idiopathic Lung Fibrosis, sparking my journey into the realms of death and dying. Motivated by a desire to offer comfort to my father and myself, this exploration began. In June 2022, his journey ended, becoming the catalyst for me to create Evermore.

Recognising that loss is a natural part of life, I want to feel prepared to support myself and my loved ones through these inevitable cycles. This is why I am also a certified End-of-Life Doula.

For me, Evermore serves as a bridge between life and death, inspired by my personal loss. I am dedicated to creating a platform that seamlessly merges an understanding of life's finite nature with the potential for comfort, support, and connection

Should you wish to engage with us or learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out via email.

The Team